The Prayer That Turns The World Upside Down
By R. Albert Mohler, Jr
Albert Mohler argues in his latest book that such a revolution will come when we pray the Lord's Prayer: “This short prayer turns the world upside down. Principalities and powers hear their fall. Dictators are told their time is up. Might will indeed be made right, and truth and justice will prevail.
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The Prayer That Turns The World Upside Down
God And Politics
By Mark Dever
Dever allows that Christians can commit “civil disobedience” when government orders people to disobey God. But civil disobedience works much better in a democratic republic, where citizens have rights, than in totalitarian regimes, where disobedience lands believers in the gulag or concentration camp.
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By JD Greear
The gospel is the power of God, and the only true source of joy, freedom, radical generosity, and audacious faith. The gospel produces in us what religion never could: a heart that desires God. ... In this book, J.D. Greear shows how moralism and legalism have often eclipsed the gospel, even in conservative churches.
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The Gospel In Genesis
By Martin Lloyd-Jones
In this series of never-before-published sermons, beloved teacher Martyn Lloyd-Jones walks readers through the early chapters of Genesis. The Gospel in Genesis starts with the fall of man and ends with the call of Abram as it examines portions of chapters 3-12. Along the way Lloyd-Jones talks of serpents and sin, of the Word of God and the Babel of man. But the destination of The Gospel in Genesis is clear: readers will be moved from fig leaves in the garden to faith in the gospel.
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