Reopening Update for June


As we continue forward together, we want to share several new and exciting details concerning the weekly function at Oakwood.

Church Office
The church office will re-open on Monday, June 1 with our normal hours of operation (Mon-Thu, 10-4).

Sunday Morning Worship
Effective June 1, Kansas City will raise the occupancy limit for all gatherings to 50%. Accordingly, on Sunday, June 7 we will return to a single-service format at 9:00 with live-streaming on Facebook.

Bible Studies
The four Bible study groups currently meeting online will continue to do so, while we explore opening up space for other adult groups on-site as well.

Sunday Night Gatherings
Finally, please note that we will resume Sunday night gatherings on June 14th with a special business meeting featuring two agenda items:

1- Presentation of the 2020-21 nominations

2- India Missions report from Josh Young.

After an unprecedented time apart we look forward to taking yet another step back into our normal church rhythm. Please contact Russ with questions concerning these details.


Rick, Josh, Nate, and Russ