Mission Update - Gospel Partner Needs

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…”
Matthew 28:19

Our Community

Shelter KC Women’s Center - Come serve dinner and share testimony and fellowship with Paula Collier (1st Saturdays of the month).
-Pray for spiritual and emotional healing for these ladies as they meet.
-Give various food items given for dinner.
-Go serve with the team that evening, we need your help!

Restoration House Renovations - Help this faith-based recovery home for victims of sex trafficking.
-Pray for God to provide for them.
-Give support to Restoration House.
-Go serve if you are able.


Aaron and Linda Cockrum have been sent by the North American Mission Board (NAMB) in Kansas City to plant churches in New Hampshire.
-Pray for the Cockrum’s that God will meet their every need.
-Give financial support to them through NAMB for this endeavor.
-Go join them in the field, or consider someday going on a short-term mission trip to help their church plant down in the future.


Alan and Beth Locke are long-term missionaries with the International Mission Board (IMB), and they are in Western Africa mobilizing the local church to plant more churches among the unreached.
-Pray for their disciple-making efforts just as they had prayed for us, and also for their health.
-Give support as you feel led through the IMB.
-Go someday on an international mission trip and learn about how to partner with missionaries.

“… and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1:8